Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Choir inspiration...:)

It has been amazing to me how much of this calling has had so little to do with my singing capabilities. I was called because the Lord truly knew that I needed this experience. I hope this isn't too personal to share, I just feel so excited about remembering who I really am, that I wanted to share it!!
"I am the precious adornment worn around the neck of my ancestors!"
Those are the Hawaiian words (but in well, english) that Merilee sings to us (in hawaiian) before each practice. She talked to us about the meaning behind the song. To know who you are and to feel the happiness and humility of knowing "who we are." We are all "the precious adornment(s) worn around the neck of our ancestors."
I wanted to share a quick experience I had this last week while practicing the songs we will be singing:
I was sitting at my kitchen table with my music in front of me and I was listening to the practice CD and following along. I started thinking about how out of practice I am and how high the notes were (I'm singing first soprano....whoo!). I was just being hard on myself and finding fault in my voice, when clearly and distinctly I felt my dad's spirit standing next to me....It was so powerful. I felt him say to me, that he was proud of me, and that I sounded beautiful. I could no longer read my music because my eyes were so wet with tears. And, at that moment...I knew, without a doubt, that my dad felt I was his precious adornment and he wanted me to know that he loved me! I miss him so much! I miss his voice! Honestly, this calling has been a strong reminder of what my dad loved and embraced for such a long period of his life....The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I can now relate with the strong spirit he felt while singing songs of the Savior, the Gospel and of Life and Love. He used to tell me how powerful it I know.
Merilee reminded us at our last rehearsal, that women from all over the world, in different languages, will be listening to us, but that there may be many women who may not feel like watching, who are struggling and feel lost, or who are watching with a hardened heart. She invited us to pray for these women with her. Not pray that we would look good, or sing well, or whatever. Pray for OTHERS. I have, and I will continue to do so. If you feel like it, maybe you could too?
I know these posts have been so serious....that won't always be the case. I mean, we're talking about me and my family here. Crazy, fly by the seat of your pants Cook family! :) Thanks for reading and baring with my love for the gospel, my Savior,and this amazing experience.
Oh, and Sister Beck herself showed up to our practice 2 weeks ago. She was so sweet and her spirit was very strong. She asked us to pray for her, so that she would know what message she needs to convey through the spirit during conference. I could sense so much humility and true longing to serve us all as the Lord wants her to.
Ok, that's all now, I promise! Our last rehearsal is this Sunday...Bitter sweet.
Love to all!


  1. Cuz - Sara
    I came across your blog off of Tiffs blog. You Go Girl!!! I am so excited for you, what an amazing opportunity. Good Luck this Saturday. I am sooo excited to see your BEAUTIFUL face and hear that amazing voice of yours. I'm gonna pretend you are singing to me and only me. I Love ya!

    cuz - Jami

  2. Hey Sara - I saw you singing on TV! You're famous! And your hair looked great btw. That's great you got to do that - Take Care! Love - Travis & Kalee
