Saturday, September 13, 2008

General Women's Conference Choir

Ok, so I started this blog over a year ago (while working full time), and then never got around to actually posting anything on it. I am a big slacker.
Now that I am home again full time and Pete is back to work, I actually have a few minutes to devote to our blog.
I am not very insightful or creative. patient with me while I figure all this out!

Now onto what I really want to tell you about!
I was issued a calling in August to be a part of the General Women's Conference Choir. The conference is on Sept. 27. I am so grateful for the oppotunity to sing with so many amazaing women!! It has been such an uplifting, encouraging and faith promoting experience for me. It has changed my be honest, in many small and significant ways.
Let me say first, that I didn't fully understand why a "call" was issued for this opportunity, but now I do. We are required to be to each and every practice NO MATTER WHAT . We were told that if we got sick, that we were to still attend and practice, we would just sit with the nurse/doctor (that is available each week) in the foyer of the chapel. This was serious business.
We have been rehearsing for about 5 weeks now. We rehearse on Sunday evenings at a central Stake center here in Highland. These practices last about 2 1/2 hours. Here's where I point out how awesome my husband is...He's WAY awesome. He has been so supportive of my absence for these practices. I really apprecite that!
Anyway, each practice has actually been more like an amazing fireside for women! We have an inspirational thought from one of the Stake presidents in the region, and attending is always either a member of the General Relief Society board, or the presidency. Sweet Sis. Allred spoke to us at the first practice we had. Whoever is attending from the RS board/presidency always speaks to us as well. It's been SO amazing to sit just rows away from these women and feel their enormous spirits and their love.
Marilee Web is the conductor. SHE-IS-FABULOUS!!! I wish I could take all of you with me to a practice so you could see her in action. She has us laughing to the point of tears, she has us crying from the depth of her amazing love and testimony and she is a beautiful person!
She gave us the challenge last week to "add to a room when we enter it, instead of taking from it." Wow. Do I take from the room? I realized that I do...most of the time. I have been trying this (not as well as I should have, but I will) and I have noticed that I feel more positive about myself, my circumstances and my family. I will continue to take her challenge this next week. I would encourage any of you who read this to try it for yourselves. Try it with me. Let me know what it does for you.
I wish I had more time to write some of the other neat experiences I've had. I will write more next week. I am excited to see what she challenges us with tomorrow.
Thanks for reading such a long post!


  1. I'm up for the challenge! With my difficult pregnancy, I felt so miserable, and tried to hard not to complain. It didn't really work out, though.

    Now that my body is feeling so much better, I've been having the attitude of needing to try harder to be more positive.

    Onward and upward!

  2. SEB!! What an AWESOME experience this must be!! You are right where you should be on this one, can't wait to watch the conference to see if i can find "WALDO":) Wish i could have seen you this weekend...we were up there for the BYU game, but we were with Trav and Kalee and it was a fast trip so i didn't get to see my favorite cousin! NEXT TIME!! Sure do love you girl!

  3. So glad you sent the email letting us know about your BLOG. I LOVE to read everyone's blog, but I've sure been bad on mine. It's been almost a year since I last posted, but I keep telling everyone as soon as I get a new computer that will download pictures in less than an hour, I'll do better.

    So exciting about your singing opportunity. I'm thinking I had the chance to know Marilee Webb when she was involved in Sunshine Generation?? Do you know if that's her?? - Melanie
