Thursday, June 18, 2009

Marchus says the darndest things...

Yesterday, I was cleaning the house and heard Marchus go barrelling through the bathroom door in quite a hurry! As I walked closer to the door to make sure he was alright, I heard the following:
"Countdown...3...2...1...blastoff(trickle, trickle...steady stream, and sigh). Mission Completion!"
I nearly had to use the restroom myself, I was laughing so hard!

Today in the car on the way to the grocery store, Marchus proceeded to educate me on the plan of salvation. He has been sincerely concerned about dying and death. This was the end of our conversation, and it made my day:
Marchus: "Is Jesus going to come down and see us?"
Me: "Yes, someday."
Marchus: "Tomorrow?"
Me: "I don't think so buddy..."
Marchus: "I want to give Jesus a hug mom. And Heavenly Father. I love them so much!"

Tonight at dinner Marchus was complaining about what he saw in front of him on his plate. As his whining grew louder, I told him he would need to be excused if he couldn't stop whining, and he wouldn't be able to come back to the table until he was ready to be sweet and talk like a happy grateful boy. Without batting an eyelash or even the briefest pause he said to me in a very serious tone: "I'm going to report you to the officers!"

I can't wait to see what he comes up with tomorrow!


  1. That is HYSTERICAL! What a sweet boy. I love you, Seb! Hope all is well.

  2. Don't they just keep you rolling?!!! I have always loved boys between the ages of 3 & 5...maybe that is why I have 4 of them!!!

  3. Hahahaha "Mission Completion!" I love it. Miss you!
