Friday, September 18, 2009

Onward and upward!

A little while back, we took our first fall family hike up the in Orem Foothills. The boys were especially excited and looking forward to the adventure!
It was a fun hike for me because it brought back a lot of great memories!
When Pete and I were dating, one of our favorite things to do, was take his jeep up in these same foothills and we'd listen to "Ground Zero" (a syndicated talk show about the paranormal), look at the stars and talk about our future together. This mountain is also where Peter proposed to me!

I hadn't thought much about those fun, meaningful talks and experiences until we were back up there on the hill, in the same spot, and I looked around at what where we are in our lives...What they have our boys, and couldn't help thinking that it was so different from what we had planned. It is better!!

I never thought-as I know most mother's feel the same-that my role as a wife and mother would be so hard. So discouraging at times, and even disappointing. But, it's through all the chaos, the hard times and the disappointments that we have become stronger...and much closer!

As we continued up the face of the mountain, I had the thought that our family life IS a hike. While constantly trying to move upward and progress, we need to stay together, on the same path. We may run into spots where the path is narrow, and maybe we don't all fit through together. We have to stop and wait for each other and help each other along. And maybe sometimes the path is wide and we are all walking at the same pace and speed. This makes it nice and easy.

Sometimes, my boys want to take a different path. One that I don't feel is safe. I try to keep them with me, on the safe path so we can get to our destination unharmed and TOGETHER! I don't want to be alone when I get to top of the hill and enjoy the blessings and beauty of Heavenly Father's earth alone. I want us all there!!

No matter the difficulty of life's path, I am looking forward to the learning and growing that can only take place through our struggles. I know that as a family, will enjoy the destination so much more when it's reached as we stick close together, hold on to each other and stay on the correct path through those struggles!

Onward and upward!!!


  1. WOW Seb...I SO needed to hear this today!! Thanks for the inspiring thoughts!! Sure do love and miss you and wish we lived closer so we could have girls nights out and date nights with our hubbys, and so our boys could play together and teach each other GOOD things:o)

  2. What an awesome experience and what a gift to have that kind of insight! Great analogy...Can I use it the next time I have to talk in church? ;) Reading that made me think back to that time in my life as seems like yesterday doesn't it?
